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Membership Application

To Join our club:

Double click on the PDF logo below to open our

Membership Application. Download it to your computer and print it out.

Mail your completed Form with $25 to: 

Chuck Finch

8812 Hannan Road

Wayne, MI 48184


Double click here for the Membership Application Form
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Club President Chuck Finch can be reached by phone at 734-721-1967


If you prefer e-mail, contact the Club Activities Director Tom Lasater at:

Website Guy: Brian Miller at:


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We have swag!

Be the first on your block to have a Chevelle Club of Michigan T-Shirt and Hat with our logo. Jackets are now available - they have a large logo on the back and we can have your name, nick name or car info embroidered on the front. Call Chuck for sizes and pricing info - his number is listed above.

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